
Thursday, November 17, 2011

#5 - everybody gets a taste

I probably met him in grade 10, at the time he was one of my best friends boyfriends and one of my best guy friends. We always had some sexual tension going on between us but hey she was my best friend and I was still innocent. At some point in high school, they broke up and we tried the dating thing, lasted all of 5 hours in which time he took my first French kiss (which was slobbery and horrible, almost like he was just licking me - ugh).

I couldn't bare having one of my bffs mad at me so that stopped and they started dating again. In high school, I had 2 best friends, we were like a trio - actually our nickname was "teen girl squad" - later in our school career, the two girls started not getting along and were fighting with me in the middle trying to keep the peace. In the end I moved away and uni came so I just forgot to care about their drama; although I kept in touch with them separately.

During first year uni, found out that #5 and his long time gf weren't together anymore, meanwhile found out from my other BFF that she had started fucking him. This is when I learned that he was super good, and they were just fucking, and that he still had a thing for me and wanted to have sex with me at least once. I was not about to deny that opportunity especially since I was no more BFFs with his ex long time gf and the other girl had blatantly gave me permission and pretty much set up when we were gonna "hang out".

He was my number 5, obviously I was still noob at all things sex. Everything was exciting, my sex drive was an all time high, I could have sex like 8 times and "she" would still want to go on for more. I almost want to say it was comparable to #3. He made me cum 3 times, hard cumming! This was one of the first times I squirted, he used his fingers to get it out of me and all of a sudden he was like WOAHH you just shot out all on my arm!
I was in denial "what, no, no way, really?, where?, show me" And he showed me, it wasn't what it is now but he opened my eyes to the possibility and I have never since then cum the way he made me. In case ya'll didn't know already I'm totally penetration oriented, like I love my clit ...but seriously get in there where the good shit is!! So while he was inside me going at it (which was also good, he was probably the second biggest i've encountered) when I was getting close to cumming he would pull out and finish it with his fingers and it was like a black out, I just couldn't control myself!

After every time I would have to sit there curled in a ball for the next 30 seconds and become aware of what my legs and arms feel like again.

The female orgasm is a great, great thing.


So even though i came hardcore, it was not all that great.

He went down on me at some point during this; the worst! - i don't know if he had his eyes closed or he just didn't know what a clit looks like or where it's located but he was super excited and gung ho to be down there and was really adamant that he liked eating girls out...too bad he SUCKED at it.
Lucky for him, i'm not super into that so i just pushed his head away and was like just "get 'er done" and the fact that his dick was nice and was skilled with his fingers.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mass Text

In case you don't follow me on twitter...

the last person in the world you would think would find herself with a boy loyally....aka ME - now is dating a most beautiful and sweet sweet man.

As it all was setting in, I realized that now i have to send a MASS text out to 
1. my loyal long time fuck buddy
2. this other dude who had a nice dick and could make me squirt like no tomorrow (who i started hanging out with again to benefit from that d.)
3. and my boy who I told that I would be down for a threesome with his chick

...when i step back and look at this, i just shake my head, does anyone else have to do this when they also go serious?

My goal of the evening is to do this cause i like my boo and im ready for this steadiness.

Be Proud Y'all

ps. don't think the blog is done....i still have more stories left to tell. ;)