
Sunday, May 29, 2011


- the numbers that are at the end of the title of the names of the posts is the number that person was for me...aka pukie says #29 therefore he was my 29th lay.
cha know?!

I was asked this like twice in the past week and so I thought I would throw it out there to the chicks... and also vice versa

pubes? or no pubes? orrr trimmed?
comment on here, twitter mention me, or twitter dm me, etc.
We can get a tally going; for both the girls and the guys

personally on a guy, I like a nice trim, its the hairy jungles that are just like I gotta brush the hairs way too much when going down there - that! I am NOT a fan of. So just keep it tidy.

Cause we all know that once shaven, its itchy and then stubbly and look at my homie Burt Reynolds here, he would just look odd with a patch of shaven pubes..some hair is nice and manly.

For chicks, Im obviously biased cause I'm not the one going down there, but I like it neatly trimmed.
I used to shave it all off and I would feel insecure and would turn away ALL sex if it wasn't a bald eagle. I've since grown and advocate the "Sasha Grey".

What do y'all think?

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Truths for Mature Humans"

I can't remember what blog i found this off of...

but so truee!!


Click the pic to enlarge - ps.

Dates and MORE bruises - #29 cont'd

This is a continuation of pukie ...

After our one night together, we began texting pretty often. It was odd, because of course after a one night stand I seriously don't expect any more calling/texting/seeing of the person ever again.

Alas he was hot and I was down and I was not enjoying this bed/sleepover sex thing. So we ended up meeting up for a "date" we went to a movie which was really good and we walked around a bit - when leaving I was like alright "bye" and was gonna leave and he stopped me and leaned way over (soo much taller than me) and kissed me - I was SMITTEN.

A few hours later he texts and i quote "...slumber party?"
me : "i love a good slumber party"
and then here is the text that i thought was really quite gentlemanly - getting it out there right away:
"I should tell you though first: just that my intentions are sort of simple. I mean, I'm not loking for a relationship or anything but playfulness and good friendliness are ok in my book. how do you feel about that?"

I thought that was quite nice and quite frankly at the time, had just started, i was working two jobs, as well as commuting to and from school; I don't have time to be nice and lovey and datey with boys.

When I told him that, he said
"well thats good :). honestly, the only thing worse than not having someone to cuddle with is hurting them. So I would rather be clear right from the beginning"

And thus starting our few sexcapades together.
Also he taught me the merits of cuddling - I have been converted, cuddle me all the time please and thanks!

To get more of the mushy stuff out of the way - we did do more than sex, I would come over and hang out with the buds and play board games, watch movies, etc. OH and i went to go see his band play; really good music!!

Now for the gooey, juicy parts ...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

MDMA, Puke and Bruises - #29

Jan 3ish, 2011!
it was close to new years...

Started out like any great night out with one of my bffs...aka pretty tipsy and then this time getting WAY too high on MDMA.  The M really set in around 2ish when we were leaving; we get outside and obviously start looking for someone to take us to an after-hours place (ps. in canada, bars/clubs close at 2 and thus an afterhours is a place that 'illegally' continues to serve alcohol, etc).

We noticed two guys one blonde and one brunette (always a sucker for a brunette) this boy was so tall and awkward standing and cute and had lotsa hair on his head and a beard and glasses ....the only thing that my high ass brain could come up with to say was "your face! yourrr faaaaaceeeee!" with my hands outstretched reaching towards his face.
Somehow between that and my bffs conversations we headed off to an afterhours - I was retarded high, because I don't remember getting to the afterhours, maybe like 5 minutes in the afterhours I remember, don't remember leaving, getting to his house, walking up the stairs to his room BUT once I hit bed I remember EVERYTHING! It was almost as if my brain knew it was time to kick in and I would want to remember this important parts ;).

and now for the really interesting parts...

Saturday, May 14, 2011