
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Talk it out...

OMG epiphany sex!

New year eve/day totally got down with BF. It was just spontaneous, don't care about who else was in the house, loud, dirty, don't give a fuck good sex!

I got a bruise on my head and knee - I wear them as badges of honor.

You know that saying "Practice what you preach"

Well I guess i've been ignoring my own advice; ideally I usually coax men into what I want... (roughness: pulling the hair, smacking my ass, a little bit of choking). BF has been fairly good with doing the above but he is always so afraid of hurting me because he is actually stronger than me. But FOR REAL, its sex, I can take a lot! Sometimes I would take the approach of..."you can't hit me, you're not strong enough, what? are you trying to tickle me?" question his manhood a bit -- didn't work --


It's 2012 bitcheeeesss!

New year usually means new resolutions, new loves, new experiences, a chance to start over with a clean slate.

I drink to all of you here reading about my sexperiences, and to the hope that you are all getting yourselves laid, having amazing mind blowing sex always, to falling in love, to finding more about yourself than ever before and to another year filled with surprises.

Boom! That was about as deep as I could get for all of you. I hope you appreciated and take that all to heart, I only mean well.

Now also don't hate just cause i havn't posted in a while. It was exam time, then holidays, and then the whole thing about having a boyfriend who in my opinion is no where close to my number of experiences and also has no idea about this and thus its hard to think about past sex objects and never tell him about what I do on the interwebs.
BUT FUCK IT....I will continue documenting everything until I have nothing left to say or for some reason can't have SEX anymore (the HORROR!)