
Saturday, December 11, 2010

#1 - Still a virgin

It was the summer before my last year of highschool and the fam had just moved to a new city. I knew this was gonna me hard as a newbie student coming into a  school in grade 12 where everyone knew where they belonged and their groups were tight. Also it didn't help that we had moved from a primarily multicultural area (as in there were like a grand total of like 20-30 white kids of a total of 1200 kids at my old highschool) to a city that was really, just white.

Most people I met were through my churchs youth group, where luckily a lot of kids from school also went there and happened to be in a lot of my classes.

Of course I made friends at least by second semester, a few that I became like best friends with. The odd thing about the youth group was that it exposed me to kids of all ages and everyone hung out together and not by age or class. I met many kids that were younger than me because the oldest you could be and still be in youth group was last year of high school (grade 12- aka me).

Most of the time I make friends that i'm attracted to, as such I met a kid who was in grade 10 at the time, so two years younger than me. We got close quick and hung out often as we also went to the same highschool; he became one of my best friends. Any and every problem he had with parents, girlfriends, friends, etc he told me about and vice versa.

It wasn't until May I believe, because it was nearing the end of the school year and we were all getting ready for "Relay for Life" where you raise money for cancer and the actual event is an all night thing with a team of about 10 people. Again me and #1 were close, bff, although we were different grades so he was on a different team than I, nonetheless we stuck together most of the day and night, talking and/or doing our laps.

He had just broken up from a pretty unhealthy relationship (no bias - i swear), when we decided it was late enough and we should probably sleep, we ended up sleeping beside each other. Im foggy on the details, this was quite a few years ago now but pretty sure there was some touching maybe outside pants, but I know nothing really serious. -- Except that we were both virgins.

All he had done was maybe touched a boob or two and/or fingered a girl before; me, no beejs, no real penises, obvi kissed before but that was the extent.

I was 18 at the end of grade 12 and he was 16. Ever since that day we continued our great friendship but  the horniness was unleashed, every time we were alone we tried some way to get it on.

Read on after the jump

Monday, December 6, 2010

The - not so little - black book

The sex book/journal

ever since I can remember, ive been keeping tabs on all the guys ive banged over my life.

In the book there is the names, how old I was, how old he was, how good it was, any memorable moments or assets.
Not every entry is the same, some have more info and other has less (unfortunately for them).

Also weird but I also kept tab of who i'd given a BJ to opposed to who I got both (beej and sex) etc.
I mainly thought it was interesting to see if the numbers would match or whatever.

It seems only fair that I start from the beginning, taken from this nice little journal, the next post will be about how I lost my innocence...

Some background

To put the rests of the posts in context,

I'm a...
-early twenties
-university student
-like travelling
-oh and like having sex

mostly the site will serve as a semi journal for myslef.

I've never been good at keeping journals but everytime I tell one of my girlfriends about my recent escapades, they mostly are in awe and keep telling me to start a blog.

And alas here I am, here to let you know what us girls ACTUALLY talk about and letting you all in on what happens behind my closed doors.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Beginning

follow along with me in my exploits.

What really goes on behind closed doors,

breaking hearts

and sex